double manual (originally single manual), C-d3 (originally perhaps G1/B1-c3) | 8’ 8’ 4’
Case with understated decoration of brownish-black and red paintwork. The lid interior has been painted with a village scene in the style of David Teniers (III). The nameboard has been embellished with the motto ‘EX VNIONE DVLCE MELOS’. The soundboard has been painted with flowers, insects and the year ‘An° 1681’. Rose with the initials ‘G B’ (Georgius Britsen). In its present state the harpsichord has two manuals, the lower one being probably an 18th-century addition. The lid’s paintwork (signed with a monogram using the interlaced letters H, V and M) may be original and was expanded upon in the 18th century. The jack rail is missing, but was still present when the instrument was put up for sale at Sotheby’s in 1999 and 2000. Restoration work was performed on it in the late 19th or early 20th century, as well as in 1955.
Provenance: This instrument was possibly part of the collection held by Abel Benjamin Régibo (Ronse), and it was auctioned in 1897. Owned by Baron J. de Streel (before 2002). In 1999 and 2000 it was put up for sale at Sotheby’s in London but did not secure a bidder. In 2002 Baron J. de Streel sold the instrument to the Museum Vleeshuis.